Beequip | Pragmatische groeistrategie voor een optimale customer experience in de totale customer journey


Beequip is a young company active in the leasing of capital intensive investment goods, such as containers, construction draglines, and trucks. Since the start of their activities, they experienced exponential growth. For the next growth phase, they set their goal on creating the Beequip Experience, i.e. excellent customer support throughout the entire contract period.


Persona definition

The first step in the process was to define the personas for individual targeted market segments. I described each persona was in terms of i.a. business situation, motivations, restrictions and the roles of other parties in the value chain. And visualized them.

Mapping the customer journey

Per persona, I mapped out the customer journey describing what Beequip currently does in each of the individual journey stages as well as the potential and opportunities to create that desired level of brand and customer experience.

Creating the strategic roadmap

Consequently, I created a strategic roadmap with 4 quadrants along the axes of ‘contribution to brand and business’ and ‘investment in time and budget’. this resulted in a structured strategic implementation roadmap, with clear definition of quick wins.


  • A clear definition of personas per targeted market segment.
  • Opportunities for an improved, personalized brand and customer experience pinpointed.
  • Pragmatic strategic implementation roadmap, starting with the quick wins.
  • High-level advice on the technology required enabling Beequip to render a more personalized customer experience.


  • Digital transformation
  • Marketing strategy
  • Omnichannel marketing
  • Customer experience management
  • Marketing automation

Operating territory

The Netherlands
